A Podcast (of sorts)

So many projects right now and much work getting done. The last few weeks I have been up every morning between 4 am and 7 am working on new ideas for soundscapes. What I am hearing is very influenced by our study of Mozart’s String Quartet No. 22. A very fun piece that truly illustrates how a simple theme can be restructured in multiple relationships to itself to create a thing of beauty. The Divine WoW is leading to collaborations, collaborations falling apart, which leads to more collaborations. And the most beautiful thing is that I am inspired by these collaborations and not clinging to them. I get some impetus out of each and every one. And I continue to be endlessly available to myself in the studio.

As I was going through some files this week, I came across this recording I made of myself (there I am again!) playing a slice of “In C” in the Sun(Ra) Room. I loved this piece that begins with the dotted quarter swaying of Patterns 20 to 26 then travels up to and a bit beyond Pattern 35. The movement is from a holding back to pulled into a gallop, and then jump into the free flight of Pattern 35. I invite you to crank this up and let it carry you away as it does me every time I listen. It has the form of pleasure to my ear. As always I am very interested in what YOU are hearing.

I am calling this a podcast because I talk a little bit in the beginning.

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